My fixed-term contract is ending soon, what can I expect?
Your Manager will arrange a consultation meeting with you to discuss:
- The proposed end date and the reasons for the end of the appointment
- Possibility of other employment within the department
- The University’s on-line vacancy site
- Any support that the department can give to the member of staff (e.g. help with identifying possible employment opportunities, advice on job seeking).
Members of staff have a right to be accompanied at the consultation meeting by a colleague or trade union representative. A brief record of the meeting should be made by the manager (including the main points discussed, any agreed actions, the name of the representative if any) and shared with you.
The end of a fixed-term contract where the employee has at least two year’s continuous service is usually a redundancy. You will be invited to an individual consultation meeting to discuss the proposal. Employees at risk may choose to go on to the redeployment register.